Covid-19 Procedures
Here is our plan for providing the safest possible environment for our dancers while still providing the best dance instruction we can offer.
All Dancers MUST wear a mask while in the dance studio
Classes will conclude 5 minutes early and start 5 minutes late to allow a 10 minute break between classes for any needed cleaning and reduce congestion as dancers come and go.
The waiting room is closed at this time, so dancers should be dropped off at the pink door. At the end of class, parents can wait on the sidewalk or near a car parked within sight of the door. Miss Stacia will direct the dancers to their parents.
The water fountain will be closed. Dancer who wish to have a drink should bring it with them.
Efforts should be made to take dancer’s temperature before leaving for dance class and parents should ensure that the dancer is not feeling poorly or exhibiting any symptoms of illness.
Hand sanitizer is available upon entry into the dance studio.
Cubbies and Dance Barres will be wiped down between each class.